Enterprise Social Networks: What´s in for me?

“’Social’ makes us nervous. What’s in it for me?” asks Lauren Klein, a Social Business, Leadership and Communities Strategist at Hitachi Data Systems, while speaking at a recent conference. Klein was referring to a common question senior executives ask as they’re considering an enterprise social platform designed to enhance communications and collaboration among employees, partners, and clients.

„Bessere Vertriebszahlen“, „Wissen besser und schneller verfügbar“, „Sichtbarkeit des Management“ und auch „Kostensenkung“ sind die Antworten auf die Frage „What´s in for me„.
Wenn also erst das Management überzeugt ist, dann folgen die – nicht ganz neuen, aber dennoch wichtigen – Umsetzungstips:

  • Proactively identify and mitigate all the spoken (and unspoken) risks.
  • Form a Senior Level Advisory Board consisting of IT, Legal, Compliance, Communications, HR and others. Collaborate to develop community rules, set goals, craft employee use policies.
  • Conduct due diligence. Look at what the competition is using.
  • Meet with each of the businesses to identify specific use cases.
  • Make it easy for users to participate.
  • Test everything, especially all browsers and various devices.
  • Invest in role-based training in a variety of modalities as everyone learns differently. Be prepared to conduct “over the shoulder” training for key stakeholders.
  • Dedicate a support team.
  • Use gamification and share success stories to boost adoption.
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