Referenzfall OSV auf der Social Connections Conference
— Luis Suarez (@elsua) 17. Juni 2014
Very insightful session about social software roll out and German culture by @alecmcint at #soccnx
— Oliver Heinz (@oliheinz) 17. Juni 2014
@alecmcint confirming, once again, why ghost writing for executives in #ESNs is bad (bad) idea! Lack of authenticity, honesty #soccnx
— Luis Suarez (@elsua) 17. Juni 2014
Work is the brief period of the day when young people have to use old technologies says @alecmcint at #soccnx #socbiz
— Eddie Prentice (@EddiePrentice) 17. Juni 2014
Es folgt heute in kleiner Runde die Luis Suarez Masterclass, ein Workshop, in dem es um die Adaption von Enterprise Social Networks in Unternehmen geht.