Enterprise 2.0: About the new Greeks
Ein absolut lesenswerter Artikel von Dan Pontefract zum aktuellen Stand der Diskussion rund um die Begriffe „Enterprise 2.0“ und „Social Business“ und die „new greeks“ in den philosophischen Fußstapfen der großen Denker auf dem Pariser Enterprise 2.0 summit:
Shouldn’t Enterprise 2.0 have more to do with an organizational and leadership behavioural change than the discovery of people through content and technology? […]
Wiki’s, blogs, micro-blogging, video sharing, and the like won’t improve your culture absolutely or in isolation nor will it drive a better state of employee engagement if that is the only strategy applied. […]
Enterprise 2.0 seems to have stopped being a technology and it has become a quest for true culture change and reinvention of the organization. The conversations proved it. The new Greeks are a force to be reckoned with now. The talk, however, must now turn into actions of change for the multitude of organizations in cultural dire straits. No more diagrams. Time is ticking away.
If you are, however, an Enterprise 2.0 technology vendor reading this … it’s time to start thinking similarly if you haven’t done so already.
Inhalte und Technologien sind menschengemacht. Menschen verbinden sich mit Menschen, nicht mit Technologie und Inhalten. Es wird tatsächlich Zeit, die verkrusteten Unternehmensstrukturen in die Neuzeit zu holen und nicht nur lauthals das „Facebook for the Enterprise“ zu predigen.
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